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Writer's pictureKate Reynolds

Baby won't sleep - who can help?

When your baby won't sleep, it can be a challenging and exhausting experience. It's important to remain patient and seek help when needed. Here are some steps you can take, and people you can speak to in order to get help:

  1. Consult a medical professional such as your GP: If your baby is consistently having trouble sleeping, it's essential to consult a medical professional to rule out any underlying health issues that might be causing discomfort or sleep disturbances.

  2. Seek Support: Reach out to your partner, family members, or friends for support. It's important to take breaks and get enough rest yourself, especially if your baby is having trouble sleeping regularly. It takes a village to raise a child and that adage is as relevant now as it ever has been. It can be challenging however. We're living in a more disparate world than every before, with immediate family member sometimes living in different towns, counties or even countries, so friendship groups are becoming the new village for many new parents.

  3. Join Parenting Groups: Joining parenting groups, either online or in your local community, can provide you with a support network of individuals who may have experienced similar challenges and can offer valuable advice and emotional support.

  4. Antenatal and postnatal groups: The bonds formed at groups such as NCT can prove invaluabe when your newborn arrives. You can share hints and tips, and also have a good old moan together. It's really important not to compare yourself however, as everyone is doing it their own way so don't let other people's methods make you feel inadequate if your baby won't sleep and theirs will.

  5. Consider Professional Help: If you feel overwhelmed or if your baby's sleep issues persist, consider seeking help from a sleep consultant who will work with you to understand your specific family situation and put together a tailored plan to help. Make sure you use a qualified sleep consultant.

  6. Lullaby Trust: The Lullaby Trust are experts in safe sleeping and it's essential that you take their advice on safe measures you can take.

  7. Mumsnet: Mumsnet is full of advice if your baby isn't sleeping, and you can obviously start your own threads to share your specific experience and gain opinions from other parents.

Remember, every baby is different, and what works for one may not work for another. Be patient, stay calm, and know that with time and consistency, you will find a solution that works for your baby and your family.


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